Friday 27 November 2009

The one that got away

Well I had one of the most visually stunning flights I've seen this season,
I'd gone down to the foxhound kennels to pick a few box's of chicks they had in their freezer room and by some funny chance Morguasse had stowed away in the back of the car (Aly still does not believe she put herself there).
Thinking it would be a waste not to take advantage of her presence I detored back via one of my favorite spots over the west dart valley. The river was still very high but a good strong wind was blowing from the river to me so not any real chance of a flight going across.
Anyhow I had a lovely slip at a crow about 150 yards out and she took it beutifully, but rather than trying to head back down wind to cover it was determined for some reason to go across the river, She fetched it as it go there, turned it but rather than coming back over my head it started climbing back out over the river.
Morguasse turned it 6 times, getting higher and higher, till it had worked itself into a position where it was ready to dive for cover when she was out of position, and it just beat her to a tiny patch of gorse on the other side of the river. Nothing I could do to help so I called her back, raised my hat to the crow and headed for home

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